Am 2007-03-06 16:31:45, schrieb Al Eridani:
> >renders massive aid to the victims of natural disaster.
> You must have been in a deserted island 14 months ago when
> the earthquake and the tsunami in Indonesia happened. The US

Where the privates have donate over 58 Million Euro in the first week
after the Tsunami and it was growing up to 146 Million Euro.  And then
the German Governement have donate 500 Million Euro to help Indonesia.

There are several German Enterprises who have donate 1 million Euro
each.  And those enterprises are not rich as the US ones...

Then the EU have donate a 4 Billion Euro help after they have gotten
shame because the german donnation...

> government was publicly shamed when it announced the niggardly
> sum it had decided to donate and it had to quickly make it much
> larger to deflect ridicule.

It is a shame for the USA!

> Like so many of your compatriots, you seem to live in a fantasy
> world.

It seems the german have won the WWII (a little bit late but won)


Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
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