On Sunday, 11.02.2007 at 18:47 +0100, Fabian (Lists) wrote:

> There is an extension [1] for thunderbird/icedove which provides a
> toolbar button to purge the pseudo-deleted messages. Funny that one
> needs to install a third-party extension for such a basic function...

Except that you *don't* need it.

Set the account settings as I described in another post to this thread.
To clarify, either:

1. Set "When I delete a message" to be "Move it to Deleted", and also
set "Empty Deleted folder on Exit;


2. Set "When I delete a message" to be "Remove it immediately".

No need for an extra extension.

Note that the first of those two options is preferred, especially if you
have large folders, otherwise you will get performance hits every time
you move/delete messages from a folder.

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