On Monday 12 February 2007 14:33, Chris Bannister wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 11, 2007 at 09:50:18PM -0800, Steve Lamb wrote:
> > Dave Sherohman wrote:
> > > On Sat, Feb 10, 2007 at 02:30:33PM +0000, Virgo Pärna wrote:
> > > I think I'll side with the people who think this obscure use of the
> > > word "compact" is a bug in IceDove (and just continue using mutt).
> >
> >     You mean the people who are oblivious to the fact that compact, as
> > you described it, has been in that usage for decades when referring to
> > databases and your IMAP mail store is a database?  Ooooh, chilling,
> > innit?
> Serious? Scraping the barrel there mate. ROFLOL

No, really, you should listen to Steve.

"Compact", in that sense, refering to expunging deleted messages from an 
mbox or other mail store, has been *the* common word for that action for 
literally decades, predating even the popular internet (e.g. in the days of 
BBS, Fidonet, etc). It's was used even far before that in other database 
and database-like applications.

Asking MUAs to use a different, more descriptive word is perhaps a fine 
request, but claiming that this use is "obscure" when it has been the 
canonical term for this operation for a *very long time* just makes you 
seem ill-informed.

Wesley J. Landaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <xmpp:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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