On Sun, Feb 04, 2007 at 12:14:04PM -0600, Dave Sherohman wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 03, 2007 at 09:52:44PM -0500, Kamaraju Kusumanchi wrote:
> > In such a case, should I tell my friend "dont apply for jobs with 
> > capitalone 
> > as they use a website which is not compatible with iceweasel?" or should I 
> > tell him "Just go to a windows machine and send your application?"
> Not as such, no.  You should tell your friend "Don't apply for jobs with
> CapitalOne because they choose not to comply with existing, well-known,
> documented standards."  Whether their noncompliant site happens to work
> with your preferred browser or not is entirely beside the point.

The distinction is simple, IMHO. The OP talked about an ISP providing
non-standard content and possibly filtering content based on
user-agent string. IPS's are in the business of providing web-content
and access. So, in the case of an ISP, absolutely they should be
avoided as their failure to comply with known standards *in their
primary business field* is a sure sign that there are going to be
other issues with them. 

Raju's point about employment with capitalone is entirely
different. CapitalOne is not (at least ostensibly) a web content
company. As such they can (IMO) be somehwat forgriven for having
non-compliant stuff on the web. That said, their web folks should be
slapped around a bit. 

make sense? 


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