Douglas Allan Tutty wrote:
On Sun, Feb 04, 2007 at 03:03:13PM -0500, Michael Pobega wrote:
Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
Douglas Allan Tutty wrote:
On Sun, Feb 04, 2007 at 10:39:51AM -0500, Michael Pobega wrote:
Ottavio Caruso wrote:
--- Kamaraju Kusumanchi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
In such a case, should I tell my friend "dont apply for jobs with
capitalone as they use a website which is not compatible with iceweasel?"
Yes, you should!

If you keep a company like that going by pumping new blood into it you'll just end up seeing more companies like them, and before you know it there will be no more standard compliant business sites anywhere on the internet.
Kant's Categorical Imperitive. On a linux mailing list.
I thought I'd never see the day 8-)
I really don't see what's wrong with believing in something. All I'm saying is that companies like MS are catching on, and being paid to do things like this. The Debian way is the opposite of companies like that, and you're telling me I'm wrong for having these viewpoints on a *Debian* mailing list.

I'm not saying to be out of work because you don't agree with a company, but I think more people should be passionate for what they believe in. I didn't think people here would be so prone to jump on me for just stating my opinion on something.

You may have misinterpreted my observation as criticism.  It was,
instead, high praise.  None of the standard emotives [ :-) ] seemed

There's nothing wrong with not being employed by a company because you
don't agree with the company.  In some professions, its a professional
duty to not work for such a company.  It follows that if there are _no_
employers with whom you agree then there is a mismatch between your
morals and the wider culture in which you find yourself.  You would then
be a refugee of concience.  Hopefully, your country is large and diverse
enough to have a multitude of culture from which to choose in which to
immerse yourself. (I'm Canadian Eh?)


That's a relief to know. At first I took what you said as heavy criticism, I'm too used to being flamed for standing by my beliefs.

Glad to have that cleared up :D

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