On Saturday 03 February 2007 17:05, Douglas Allan Tutty wrote:
> What is the relationship between the debian.org wiki and newbiedoc's
> wiki?  I notice that newbiedoc isn't referenced anywhere on debian's
> website so someone (a newbie) going to debian.org doesn't find reference
> to newbiedoc.  I'm wondering why this is.  If all
> articles/notes/whatever for newbies go to newbiedoc then how do newbies
> find it.

They are simply not related.

newbiedoc has articles that probably span a wide range of audience than just 
debian users. Not all debian users would be interested in reading articles 
about other distributions; Where as wiki.debian.org caters to the needs of 
just Debian users.

How do newbies find out? Just like everyone else do - www.google.com. I am not 
kidding here.

Another option would be to create pages in wiki.debian.org and point it to the 
repective docs on newbiedoc website. Others might have more suggestions how 
to connect these two...

> It looks like if someone wants to post a note or article, that it has to
> go to newbie doc since the debian wiki is immutable.

I just now visited http://wiki.debian.org/RecentChanges and the last change 
was done roughly 3 hours ago. It is definitely modifiable. However, to 
write/modify articles you first need to create an account.

Kamaraju S Kusumanchi

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