On Fri, Jul 04, 2003 at 02:06:37PM -0600, Jacob Anawalt wrote:

> Unfortunatly for a Debian neophyte like myself your descriptions seem
> to be contrary on some points to the statements describing the
> packages found here: http://www.debian.org/distrib/packages. I may be
> misunderstanding the last paragraph of your post, but the phrase
> "choosing one of these options also brings you the bonus that you'll
> get security updates more quickly as testing is the last place for
> security updates to appear" seems quite opposite of the statement from
> the packages web page "'unstable' is also not supported by the
> security team". 

Unstable is not supported, but it is where new packages must filter
through before reaching Testing.  So, you have Stable which receives
direct security updates.  And Unstable which will no doubt rapidly have
a new package uploaded by the maintainer when a security problem is
found.  And Testing that must wait for packages in Unstable to filter
down to it.

> You may be speaking from experiance, implying that the unofficial
> packages found through apt-get.org or the unstable packages are more
> likely to have security patches applied than testing because
> developers would be activly updating these packages whereas packages
> in testing have to pass the automated processes criteria,


> If the rules for testing is that it's ok to stick the engine in
> without a carburetor or exhaust system because they will go in
> sometime down the line before it is sold to people, then I guess these
> dependancies don't matter in testing, and maybe testing should have a
> disclaimer "It's probably broken, but we don't want to hear about it
> because it wasn't for sale yet anyway."

IIRC, there was an indication a while back that Gnome2 was being
manually forced through into Testing.  My understanding of the automated
process is that a package can not automatically make it into testing
unless it's dependancies can be met by other packages already in Testing
or those migrating with it.

Jamin W. Collins

This is the typical unix way of doing things: you string together lots
of very specific tools to accomplish larger tasks. -- Vineet Kumar

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