On Fri, 04 Jul 2003 05:00:13 +0200, Michael Heironimus wrote:

> Is anybody keeping score on how many different and unrelated font
> configuration systems we have now?

Ermm... XF86Config... and fontconfig. What else?

>> 2) The Gnome Settings Daemon was not installed, and it repeatedly
>>    complains about that lack.  I can't find any package that indicates
>>    that it might contain this semi-mythical daemon.
> I think that's because you need the GNOME Control Center, and that
> hasn't made it in to testing yet. Core pieces of GNOME2 haven't been
> moved from unstable to testing, while other pieces have.

You're thinking correctly. This "semi-mythical daemon" lives in
gnome-control-center. IMO this package should be a dependency of
gnome-session. Otherwise fools like myself forget installing it...

> I'm not sure that GNOME 1 and 2 could easily coexist even if the
> packages did allow it. They have different pieces of infrastructure, and
> GNOME applications tend to start up any infrastructure they need that
> isn't already running. And then they leave it running when they exit.

My remaining GNOME 1 apps continue to work fine under GNOME 2. The bigger
problem is that the GNOME 2 development seemingly involved dropping as
many options/preferences as possible... :-(

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