On Tue, Sep 26, 2006 at 03:42:35AM -0700, Frank Niedermann wrote:
> Hello!
These are two completely different questions.

> how can I setup a way to get ssh sessions or shell access to a
> Debian server only using port 80 or 443?
The Port directive /etc/ssh/sshd_config will control on which ports the
ssh server listens.

> Is something like that possible with AJAX for example?
Well, just putting the ssh server on port 80 or 443 will not get you an
AJAX interface.  You will still need to use a proper ssh client.  Now,
if you want shell access through a graphical web browser, then you need
to look at something like anyterm.  There are also other possible
solutions, however I like anyterm.  I have already packaged the library
used by anyterm (librote) and it is in Debian.  However, I have not been
able to finish packaging anyterm since it requires some fairly intrusive
changes to the system configuration to work and I have been trying to
figure a more secure way to allow it to run.



Roberto C. Sanchez

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