On Tue, Sep 26, 2006 at 07:34:08PM +0800, Sidney Fong wrote:
> [Shameless plug]
> If you insist on using a a AJAX shell which runs on your web browser,
> you might be interested in a pet project of mine called "w3term" which
> does exactly that.
> Screen Capture: http://projects.element14.org/w3term-0.2/w3term.html
> Download: http://projects.element14.org/w3term-0.2.1.tgz
> Beware, since I am not an experienced coder, and I had no prior
> experience with terminal emulators. Generally, it understands enough
> terminal escape sequences to be somewhat usable on non-curses
> applications.
> Also, the installation would be rather rough,  to say the least.
> That being said, if you are still interested in attempting to use it
> after all the disclaimers above, I'd be happy to answer any
> questions/comments regarding w3term ;-p
Have you considered using the rote library?  It is what anyterm uses and
I have successfully used anyterm to with with mutt and irssi.  Also, you
could consider combinig efforts with anyterm.



Roberto C. Sanchez

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