On Tue, Sep 26, 2006 at 12:16:07PM +0100, George Borisov wrote:
> Frank Niedermann wrote:
> > 
> > This way I would have to install a SSH client to access the server.
> > 
> > If an Java applet or AJAX application could to this on a web page
> > on the server there would be no need to install anything on the
> > client (in an Internet Cafe for examle).
> Something like this maybe?
> http://javassh.org/

The problems with javassh are manifold.  First, you are downloading an
applet, which must then connect over port 22.  In some cases (e.g.,
where you have a Java-enabled browser) this many not be a problem.
However, if you are trying to gain access from a location which blocks
everything except for ports 80 and 443, then you have a problem.  In any
case, most public machines are not so locked down that you can't
download PuTTY and use that.  That, IMHO, is a much better solution than
using some Java applet.  Mindterm suffers from the same problems as
Javassh and is also non-free.

If you want something that you can access from anyplace without regard
for firewall blocks and client software, then anyterm (as I mentioned in
a previous mail in this thread) or something similar is your best bet.



Roberto C. Sanchez

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