Chris Metzler([EMAIL PROTECTED]) is reported to have said:
> > 
> > man gpm
> > 
> > <- quote on ->
> > 
> > -t name
> >    Set the mouse type. Use `-t help' to get a list of allowable types.
> > 
> > <- quote off ->
> > 
> > Would that "basic document" do?
> Well, as someone who was once in the shoes of the person to whom you're
> replying . . .no, it wouldn't. 

You must be assuming that I wasn't once in his shoes.  Bad assumption.

>I don't use gpm; gpm wasn't installed

You don't use the console(?) or don't use the mouse on the console?
Man thats tough living.
What does ls /etc/gpm.conf give you?

> when I did my initial install; none of the installation docs referred
> me to gpm; I never even heard of it until joining this list a few
> months ago.  I learned how to get my mouse wheel working (without gpm)
> the same way I've learned to get most things working under Linux and

He asked for a doc that told him about ImPS/2, not how to get his
wheel working.  That is what my reply was refering to.

He already had his answer to the wheel problem.  If he didn't I would
have sent him to the 3-button-mouse howto.  Which BTW talks a lot
about gpm, as well.

Maybe if is had remembered to add

apropos mouse
gpm (8)              - a cut and paste utility and mouse server for
                       virtual consoles

BTW I get all the list mail and did not ask for a direct reply.  In
fact my Reply-To: is, purposely left blank.  Please respect that.

This sentence contradicts itself -- no actually it doesn't.
                -- Hofstadter

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