I receaved this useful answer to my joined question.

Sebastian Kapfer wrote:
On Sat, 21 Jun 2003 20:20:12 +0200, Piero wrote:

I'm not able to make my wheelmouse work. It's a basic Logitech wheelmouse.

The corresponding lines in my /etc/X11/XF86Config file are:

Section "InputDevice"

# Identifier and driver

    Identifier  "Mouse1"
    Driver      "mouse"
    Option "Protocol"    "PS/2"
    Option "Device"      "/dev/psaux"
    Option "ZAxisMapping" " 4 5"
   Option "Emulate3Buttons"

Anything tu suggest? Thanks

Reading the docs. ;-)

Mine runs fine with Option "Protocol" "ImPS/2".


Changing "PS/2" into "ImPS/2" did the magic, and solved my problem.

But the answer condained an even more useful suggestion: "read the docs". And here is where my thread joins the "debian" thread.

I have actually choosen Debian because of its reputation of being a rather spartiate distribution. The ground of my choice was not pure masochism, but the belief that installing the os and basic software on your computer gives you a very good opportunity to learn how such software is structured and how it is interfaced with you hardware. Something that will make you able to intervene on it in the event. For this reason I belong to the faction that doesen't like too much authomatic installation and configuration (even though I thing it can be useful for people who have to install the system in a very repetitive way, and even though I'm certain that Linux will not conquer a large share of users unless such authomatic installation becomes possible).
Indeed I would like an even soberer process of installation and configuration, but I'd like to have at hands? docs more suited to people new to the Debian distribution, if not to the world of Linux. Man pages often lack examples (this is in their nature);? other documents are too basic (e.g. the User's Guide and the Refernce Guide); and on the whole every time you have a configuration problem, either you write to this excellent mail-list, or you must spend hours in trying to find a solution.

(An example: which document would have told me that such a protocol like ImPS/2 existed? Which basic document would hav led me to such document?)

Much mor thand an installation program that would do all the work in my place, leaving me in total obscurity on wat has been installed, and how, and why, I would like to have 1) a kind of "metadocumentation" that'd lead you to the right documents; 2) documents addressed (also) to newbies and with lots of examples.

I'm perfectly aware of the voluteer character of the wholeDebian? enterprise (and this is one of the reasons why I love Debian), and I would volunteer myself in this field, If I felt competent enough (which is not the case for the moment).


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