* Michael Epting ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [030622 21:32]:
> On Sat, Jun 21, 2003 at 01:10:06PM -0700, Ric Otte wrote:
> > I saw that SBC/Yahoo had a DSL offer of $30 a month, and I called them
> > up to ask if it would work with Linux.  The woman at tech support
> > confidently assured me, over and over, that it would not work with
> > Linux.  I spoke to her a long time, trying to figure out why it wouldn't
> > work.  She said that since they use pppoe and not dhcp, I couldn't get
> > an ip address with a dhcp client.  But Debian has a pppoe package, and
> > there are also things like rp-pppoe.  Although she could not explain to
> > me why it wouldn't work, she was absolutely positive it wouldn't.
> There is some truth to what the woman told you.  I just a couple of
> weeks ago switched over to SBC/Yahoo.  I spent an extra few bucks and
> got the 1.2Mb/256Kb service and it has been rock solid at exactly those
> rates.  I'm running Debian, but I'm connecting via a D-Link DI-614+, so
> I'm not using Debian's pppoe.  I did not do the initial connection via
> the D-Link, because they do not give you a user-id and you cannot
> connect without one.  Instead, I initially used their install CD on a
> Windows-XP machine.  They install a ton of very ugly garbage on your
> machine and offer no way of skipping that step even though you actually
> need none of it.  Doing it their way, you cannot get a user ID nor set
> your password (both required for pppoe of course) until you get past the
> software install step.

I mentioned the website www.dslreports.com in another post in this
thread and it would be helpful to you too -- or would have been. It is
NOT necessary to use the "Install CD". Too late for you though...


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