On Sat, 2003-06-21 at 13:10, Ric Otte wrote:
> Hi,
> I saw that SBC/Yahoo had a DSL offer of $30 a month, and I called them
> up to ask if it would work with Linux.  The woman at tech support
> confidently assured me, over and over, that it would not work with
> Linux.  I spoke to her a long time, trying to figure out why it wouldn't
> work.  She said that since they use pppoe and not dhcp, I couldn't get
> an ip address with a dhcp client.  But Debian has a pppoe package, and
> there are also things like rp-pppoe.  Although she could not explain to
> me why it wouldn't work, she was absolutely positive it wouldn't.
> The modem/router they give out as part of the deal is a Homeportal
> 1000sw.  I checked that on the web, and it looks to me as if it uses
> pppoe to connect to SBC, and then assigns either static or dynamic ip
> addresses to computers plugged into it.  It also says that it is Linux
> compatible.
> So I find it very difficult to believe that Linux will not work with SBC
> DSL service, unless they are intentionally doing something to prevent
> Linux users from using their service.  So I was wondering if anyone is
> using SBC DSL, or knows if it will work.  Any info would be appreciated;
> thanks.
> Ric

I've been using SBC/Yahoo in San Francisco for over a year now. They
gave me an Efficient Networks 5360 adsl modem, which I set up using
ppoeconfig with zero problems.  

Recently I installed a wireless router between the modem and my box,
getting my ip via dhcp from the router, and the router also had no
problem doing ppoe. From all this, I would assume sbc is not doing
anything non-standard.

First Impressions are Bunk.

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