Ric Otte wrote:

I saw that SBC/Yahoo had a DSL offer of $30 a month, and I called them
up to ask if it would work with Linux.  The woman at tech support
confidently assured me, over and over, that it would not work with
Linux.  I spoke to her a long time, trying to figure out why it wouldn't
work.  She said that since they use pppoe and not dhcp, I couldn't get
an ip address with a dhcp client.  But Debian has a pppoe package, and
there are also things like rp-pppoe.  Although she could not explain to
me why it wouldn't work, she was absolutely positive it wouldn't.

The modem/router they give out as part of the deal is a Homeportal
1000sw.  I checked that on the web, and it looks to me as if it uses
pppoe to connect to SBC, and then assigns either static or dynamic ip
addresses to computers plugged into it.  It also says that it is Linux

So I find it very difficult to believe that Linux will not work with SBC
DSL service, unless they are intentionally doing something to prevent
Linux users from using their service.  So I was wondering if anyone is
using SBC DSL, or knows if it will work.  Any info would be appreciated;


You might want to pose this question to a local Linux User's Group in your area. I know the one here (San Antonio, TX) has lots of users using DSL from SBC. Local Linux users can give you a much more accurate answer. PPoE shouldn't be a problem with Linux.

Maybe they provide some "setup" programs on a CD or Floppy that have to be installed for their "setup", and they only work on Winders or a Mac... dunno. Do they offer a "self-install" option?

You also might be interested in the DSL howto at: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/DSL-HOWTO/index.html
There is a lot of good info on setup there.

-Don Spoon-

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