
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jan Andrzej [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, June 20, 2003 8:39 AM
> To: debian-user
> Subject: Re: Sound card AC 97 Integrated problem. Programs for listening
> music, watching videos.
>  --- Rodrigo Agerri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > That
> remarkable Fri, Jun 20, 2003 at 11:17, Jan
> > Andrzej wrote:
> > > I have Intel Pentium 4 1.8DHz FCPGA 478 and sound
> > card
> > > AC'97 Integrated.
> > > OS: Debian Woody (3.0)
> >
> > hi,
> >
> >  you need these modules: ac97_codec, i810_audio,
> > soundcore, sound; then  add yourself to the group
> > audio.
> How can I get theese modules?

I've been dealing with the i810 on my laptop, an IBM ThinkPad i1300.  I just
got it to work last night.  I did so by installing the ALSA drivers for the
chipset.  I found it to be pretty easy, especially if you have already
compiled the kernel.  My suggestion is to *not* use the precompiled modules
package, as it apparently wants to replace your kernel with a 2.4.16 kernel.

There is a really excellent HOWTO on installing ALSA drivers on Debian

(Also, check out some of their other tutorials, I really like them myself.)

Like the article says, you'll have to recompile your kernel to compile in
Linux sound support (which you should already have) and remove the AC '97
and i810 modules from the kernel.

So far I've been *very* happy with the results, although I can't say I've
compared them to using the 2.4.x stock kernel modules.  If you're not
opposed to ALSA (and I'm not sure why anyone should be :-) ), I'd give it a


Kevin Griffis

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