On Mon, 16 Jun 2003, Jon Haugsand wrote:

> * Shaul Karl
> >   Just wondering: have you considered a replacement? Maybe you dropped it
> > all together? For some reason I believe that the 2.5 kernel
> > configuration help are not suggesting CODA in the strong way that the
> > 2.4 used to. Does NFS v4 much better then v3?
> Haven't tried, really.  Just using NFS v3 because it's there...
> But thanks for a reminder.
> My main problem with NFS is hanging mounted file systems which I
> cannot unmound.  I cannot even use programs like ls, df, du,
> find.... 

so far so good .. sounds like you're using hard mounts
annd its doing what you told it ... or by defaults

> because all file system calls hang when getting near the nfs
> file system.  Reboot is the only way... (Perhaps not, because some
> tricks can still be applied, but it is annoying.)

reboot should be the LAST thing you should do..

add intr options to your mount options so you can ^C out of hung processes

init 1  ;  umount /hung_mount_pt ; init 3

add soft to your mount options, so that the sytem can keep going
vs using hard mount which waits for the remotefs to come back online
        - i rather use/risk soft mounts than to sit and wait
        in a hung state ... the pc is useless in that state anyway

        - and over the years, i've not seen any corruptions of files
        due to soft mounts ... lots of other problems though
        that is way worst than soft vs hard mount issues

        - and i only do soft mounts for my data, where i know its all
        saved and duplicated n-times elsewhere

- never hit reset/power ... 
        - fix whatever it was that caused the hung process

c ya

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