>>>>> "Kirk" == Kirk Strauser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Kirk> "Safe"?  I think you should be more interested in CPU states
 Kirk> than load average.  For example, consider running 50 webserver
 Kirk> processes, all of which are in an I/O wait state.  Your load
 Kirk> average may be near 50, but your CPU may be sitting mostly
 Kirk> idle.  As another example, pretend you're running an RC5 or

no.  "load average" refers to the average length of the run queue.
processes blocked on I/O are not on that queue.

to the OP: there's no such thing as a "safe" load average.  however,
higher than normal load averages might indicate something wrong,
runaway processes or a misconfigured package or something.  "normal"
depends on the context: my development workstation rarely rises above
1, but my ISP's shell server is often >10.



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