On Thursday 28 February 2002 01:38 pm, Keith Parkansky wrote: > Harry Putnam wrote: > > I've burned up 2 full days, gotten no help whatever from the list. > > Found the install routines to be unusable. > > Same here on the last two counts, except > it's been two weeks with Potato r5. > > And supposedly nothing goes out (paraphrasing > the debian.org Web site) "until it installs > and works as advertised". BS like Mickeysoft > and QC apparently as good as them. That's a > shame too. It coulda stomped all over the > commercial distros (not to mention Windows) > when it comes to the server market. Now it's > not even a contender.
where did you read "installs and works as advertised," and how does debian lose its potential as a "contender" in the server market or any other market just because you can't get it going? i mean, if your opinion really is that significant, maybe all those of us who actually have running debian systems, whether desktops, laptops, or any of a vast variety of server environments should just shut down and give it all up. if you've got to go, by all means do, but don't blame the fact that you can't hack it on a phrase that i've never read on any part of debian.org, or on a misguided estimation of the quality of something that by your own admission, you can't even get to install.