
> And supposedly nothing goes out (paraphrasing
> the debian.org Web site) "until it installs
> and works as advertised".  BS like Mickeysoft

  I think it's safe to say that what they say is true. Perhaps you are just 
having trouble setting something up rather than it being Debian's fault? 
Remember, Debian isn't exactly known for it's ease of setup (I can vouch for 
that, it took me ten or twenty times longer to get everything working than it 
did in Mandrake).
  Still, they don't claim it is easy either...

> and QC apparently as good as them.  That's a

  It has a lot better QC than other distros. Show me one problem that is 
*their* fault.

> shame too.  It coulda stomped all over the
> commercial distros (not to mention Windows)
> when it comes to the server market.  Now it's
> not even a contender.

  Well, it all depends on the target user. Honestly, until Debian has a 
friendly GUI installer, it isn't going to be a contender against Windows 
and/or commercial distros for the folks that need that. 


Timothy R. Butler                    [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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