On Thu, Feb 28, 2002 at 09:38:20AM -0800, Harry Putnam wrote:
> Anyone who wants the official 6 CD set of woody 3.0
> Can send me an address privately.  First one I get in my inbox with
> snailmail address will get the cds mailed to them.
> I've burned up 2 full days, gotten no help whatever from the list.
> Found the install routines to be unusable.

How much did you post to the list? I can only find the following
    Fresh install no network
    Neighbor table overflow.. what does it mean
    Configuring locales
    Enough time wasted, moving on

All of which have (now) been answered. If the answers didn't satisfy you
then why not reply? (as far as I can see, you do read posts on the list,
so I assume that you are subscribed).

There are lots of people on this list who are both willing and capable 
of helping you. Don't forget that everybody are volunteers.

> All I hear from Woody is `can't won't or doesn't'  And this on a
> machine that has had 2 flavors of linux, 2 of the BSDs and Solaris
> (intel) install successfully.  Hardware recognized etc.
> My nic is not found, X doesn't run, I get a message after the install
Whoa! You haven't mentioned that before. Do we get a chance to help you
before you run off?

> that there were errors during install.  Please fix the errors
> mentioned above... none are mentioned.  I've tried the simplicity of
> Tasksel and the labor instensive dselect hell, 3 fullbore tries at
> installing.

As you proably found from your research, debian may not be the easiest
of distributions to install. But it's worth it. Maintenance is *easy*.

> [[ rant snipped ]]

Karl E. Jørgensen
... An rfc2324 advocate

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