begin  Patrick Kirk  quotation:

> It is so hard.  There are no other windows email clients that have the
> ability to put shortcuts on panels.  Even if there were, why bother when
> OE is there and works?

I think we're having a basic disagreement over the meaning of "works".
Zero-click virus distribution, screwed-up rendering of non-HTML mail
formatting (OE tends to throw away leading space on a line, which
trashes Python text, among other things), and botched handling of signed
mails and lines that begin with "begin  " add up, to me, to a mail client
that does not work, no matter what else it does.

It's sort of like saying, yeah, this car works really well, except for
the bit about the gas tank exploding if you ever get rear-ended, and a
handful of relatively minor but equally stupid design errors that may
not kill you, but they're annoying, and you have to deal with them on a
daily basis. No thanks, I'll get a different model.

> As for viruses, m$ screwed up.  'nuff said.

I don't think it's that easily dismissed. It's a catastrophic problem,
and this continues to be proven by the daily supply of Outlook viruses
that keep showing up in everyone's inboxes.

> EXPRESS brough up both Karsten self's rant on this subject and several
> references to him.

What can I say... Karsten's a popular guy.


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