Hi David!

On Fri, 15 Feb 2002, David B Harris wrote:

> Just to throw in my two cents :) Sylpheed, a GTK+-based MUA, is probably
> one of the fastest MUAs available under Linux.
> It uses MH mailstores, and it caches. Opening a folder with ~10k
> messages takes about three seconds on my machine. Opening a
> similarily-sized folder in Mutt(actually, the MH maildir converted to
> mbox with 'packf +Debian/Devel -file d-devel.mbox -mbox') takes
> approximately 15 seconds, and the same converted to QMail Maildir format
> takes about 10 seconds.
mutt with maildir: 11M local debian-user archive in max. 2 sec (~2000
msgs) and my portable runs @500 mhz with a not too fast notebook harddisk.
so no racehorse here and tough mutt fast as a rocket. mbox is much slower
tough but that's in it's nature, not the mua's.

yours martin
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