* Ian Balchin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020214 10:02]:
> Hi,
> My debian-list folder in mutt has over 5000 messages in it despite
> some weeding out.  Pretty soon I shall have to go and make a coffee
> while waiting for it to open.

Try this one, or some variation, also:

folder-hook lists/debian 'push <delete-pattern>~r>15d!~F\n'

This automatically clears out all but the most recent 2 weeks worth of
messages each time you enter the folder. This equates to about 2500
messages, with the average traffic flow on debian-user. You can modify
it to save more or less as you wish. Also, the !~F part means it won't
delete flagged messages, so if you want to keep something longer than 2
weeks, you can flag it.

That's what works for me; I hope it helps you too.

good times,

Currently seeking opportunities in the SF Bay Area
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"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right
to say it." --Beatrice Hall, The Friends of Voltaire, 1906

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