On Tue, Dec 25, 2001 at 02:44:17AM +0100, Carel Fellinger wrote:

I'm not sure where in the thread my comments belong so I'll put them
| So what is it that makes you (and others) react so vehemently?
I've tried to use info a few times, and it is always difficult.  The
keybindings are unnatural to me -- I use vim, less, and bash regularly
(readline is set to "input-mode vi").  The info keys seem much more
like emacs (which I've used, but rejected in favor of vim).  Sometimes
I've managed to use it a bit, but other times it tells me there is no
link under the cursor (what, "Next" isn't a link!?).  I use man a lot
since I know the layout of a manpage and I can view it easily ('less').  

I think that info is ok for a book-like document.  I know that many
GNU tools have nice HTML and PS/PDF documents available on gnu.org,
and the TOC resembles what I've seen in 'info'.  I also like how the
reader has the choice (for HTML anyways) of one-massive-page,
one-page-per-chapter, or one-page-per-section.  I like the second for
on-line viewer and the first for printing.

If someone made decent manpages (for reference), _and_ if they made a
info2vim converter then I could be happy :-).  If you don't already
know : vim allows for hyper-links (start with :help) that can be
followed with ^] and ^T takes you back where you were before.



He who belongs to God hears what God says.  The reason you do not hear
is that you do not belong to God.
        John 8:47

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