> Date: Tue, 25 Dec 2001 15:25:09 -0500 (EST)
> From: David Teague <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Html information browsed with a decent TEXT mode browser that is
> intuitive (OK I know one man's intuitive is another's nightmare) . .
> .  [snip]

Off topic, & drifting . . . .

One of the greatest sins chargeable to Microsoft is debasement of
the language, notably in reducing `innovative' to `Different, esp. as
practiced in Redmond.'

As for `intuitive' in computing, it has been perverted to `the way
used to doing things.'  Or, worse, `in the Microsoft Way.'

The word is no longer useful to the pure in heart.  Let's leave it to
billg & minions.

Wendell Cochran
West Seattle

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