On Thu, Dec 20, 2001 at 07:14:37AM -0800, vIR_uS wrote:
> i've got following problem:

You should be asking these on debian-user, not debian-dpkg (which is a
list for the development of the base package manager). I've redirected
the thread.

> when I try to remove wdm and gdm, I get a post-install error. Normally
> when I get such an effect, gpkg or apt tells me that some files are
> missing, so I create fake files one by another, so finally dpkg
> removes these packages.
> This time, I only get a post-install error message, so I can't figere
> out, how to remove these progs. It doesn't disturb me while working,
> but it goes on my nerves, that, every time I install new packages, he
> tries to remove wdm and gdm and I get these errors. So here's my
> question: How can I remove packages "by hand"?

Edit the post-installation script
(/var/lib/dpkg/info/<package>.postinst) and fix whatever's causing it to
fail, then try again. Are you sure you meant post-installation, by the
way? That's normally only called when a package is being installed. You
might want the prerm or the postrm instead.

Creating fake files is usually the wrong approach, in my experience, but
it depends on exactly what's happened.

> I also found some bugs, but I don't know where to post them. I'm not
> in any mailinglist, therefore I can write messages via
> groups.google.com.

See http://bugs.debian.org/ for how to check what bugs have already been
filed and for how to file new bugs.

> Another problem is xfree86 v4. xf86config creates an
> /etc/X11/XF86Config file, but the XServer expects an file called
> "XF86Config-4", so you have to copy the output-file by hand.

You probably want to use 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86' rather than


Colin Watson                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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