Karsten M. Self schrieb: > on Mon, Dec 24, 2001 at 08:57:27PM -0600, John Hasler ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) > wrote: > > dman writes: > > > Personally it is the emacs-centric interface. > > > > What is emacs-centric about (N)ext, (P)revious, (U)p, (S)earch, and ENTER? > > How about the fact that NPU have no relationship to your _own_ path > through the documentation tree (as they would in, say, a web browser, > which is, along with 'less', the most common text-reading environment > most of us know.
I don't see how a web browser could change the order of the pages ;-) > I constantly find myself surprised with where info wants to take me, and > perplexed at how to get back to where I wanted to be. What's wrong with the (L)ast key? And then, of course, you have the (S)earch key and most of the times an (I)ndex. Regards... Michael