On Mon, Dec 24, 2001 at 03:07:41PM -0800, Karsten M. Self wrote: ... > I ***DESPISE*** info. The pinfo alternative helps somewhat, but the > basic concept still sucks. It should be scrapped for a searchable > format based on HTML, XHTML, or preferably something like DocBook > capable of creating multiple output formats.
I don't get this, just as I don't understand people bashing Stallman. What is it in the program that is so horrible to ***DESPISE*** it? It *is* searchable from within info, it *has* several output formats as it is LaTeX based. And the basic concept seems valid. Okee, the interface is not to everybodies likening:), so improve. Okee, the translation into other formats has its problems:), so improve. But the search works for me, and the idea that there is more to documenting a program then merely listing what options it has seems okee. And going through a tree like doc structure is quit common these days. So what is it that makes you (and others) react so vehemently? -- groetjes, carel