on Sat, Dec 15, 2001 at 06:19:56AM +0200, Ian Balchin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Hi,
> Hello, brenda et al,
> Deja vu, but cannot find it so must start again.
> I solved the first part of the error message from wvdial's 
> invocation of pppd by noting that it did not occure if I was super 
> user. 

System utilities (including things like networking and dialup) often
expect to be run as root _OR_ as a set of users defined as having
privileges to use the facility.  I'm not familiar with wvdial

> But, of course, the ppp daemon still died. I put in a path in
> wvdial.conf and that problem has gone now.
> Have been reading /usr/share/doc/ppp/FAQ.gz  - particularly the 
> third question that is about 15% of the way through (reading with 
> mc). This line was not in syslog.conf so have added them.
> *.err;kern.debug;auth.notice;mail.crit;daemon.info    /dev/console
> daemon,local2.debug           /etc/ppp/log
> in fact the second line and accompanying explanation was not clear 
> and I modified the last part to
>                                       /var/log/ppp.log
> figuring that (a) all the log files were in /var/log and (b) the 
> log file should be named not just log. I created a file ppp.log 
> with a one line entry for recognition with 
> cat ppp.log
> I sent the HUP signal
> kill -HUP 'cat /var/run/syslog.pid'
> which with no output I was satisfied had run OK (these things 
> _are_ picky with which inverted commas can be used!)

Note the distinction between "'" (a quote) and "`" (a backquote or
"backtick").  The latter resolves output of a command and uses it as the
argument for other commands.  Better, substitute the "$( expression )"

    $ cat /var/run/syslog.pid
    $ ps up $( cat /var/run/syslog.pid )

Incidentally, the latter is a way to check to see if a process has truly


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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