dman, hi, 

mutt! good grief. 


I ran eximconfig again, correctly, and am sure there is no problem

> The "visible" mail name of your system should be the same as "echo
> $HOST".  Don't worry about it too much, just don't pick the name
> of your ISP (or some other real server).  

looking at set i have no $HOST so gave hephaestus which is the
machine name (I have $HOSTNAME which is perhaps what you meant?) 

> When you get to the question
> Which machine will act as the smarthost and handle outgoing mail?
> this is where you enter in the name of your ISP's SMTP server.
> ("" according to what you wrote farther down)

OK, in Windows Pegasus this is entered as both my SMTP and POP3 host
so sounds OK 

> What you did before was tell exim that "" was the
> name of your machine.  Thus when you tried to send mail to
> "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" it wanted to deliver it locally but couldn't find the
> user 'foo'.


> Get exim to work, then mutt will work.  mutt doesn't do SMTP
> because

I presume this will now be the case. 


> First you need to tell mutt which host.  Edit ~/.muttrc for that.
> Instead I use fetchmail for retrieving the mail.

OK, then that will be good enough for me, fetchmail seems to be the standard

I wrote the .fetchmailrc file.  Then I wondered where to put it.  
The /usr/share/doc/fetchmail/sample.rc file states 

1.  put in your home directory (ie. /home/ian) 
2.  permissions should not be greater than -rw-------  (0600) 

this is what i have done, but as I wrote it from root, I have done a
chown to change it to my ownership as there was a complaint that i
did not own it. 

Now, when I run fetchmail from user ian i get 

POP# connection to failed: temporary name
server error fetchmail: Query status=2 (SOCKET) 

mutt sill says "POP host is not defined" when I try and send the

(and wvdial has decided to get no response from the modem, but
minicom sees it!  I'll sort that out this week ) 

> There is an internal arrangement, but it is not obvious just by
> seeing some program names.

OK, so in mutt I can send the mail, but how do I get it.  Does this
automatically get done at the same time or do I have to run
fetchmail and dial in a second time to have this done?  How, with
diald (or wvdial) + mutt + exim + fetchmail do I make the process of
sending and collecting mail from imaginet a simple one-time

With diald running something must fire this up automagically on

> Do you have a login on the server?  My school runs Solaris, so I
> just log in to that machine and do all my mail there instead of on
> my debian box. If you use fetchmail, it won't give you the IMAP
> benefit of server-side folders.  mutt has some support for IMAP,
> but I've never used it.

I am not sure that I understand you here.  I log in from the
computer at home or I carry it home and then do it there.  I am
going to use one dedicated address on the linux box to start off
with and get going with just personal email (family around the

    Ian Balchin
    Grahamstown, South Africa.

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