On Sun, Dec 16, 2001 at 06:20:00PM +0100, Holger Rauch wrote:
| Hi dman!
| Thanks for your quick reply!
| On Sun, 16 Dec 2001, dman wrote:
| > [...] 
| > What is a "real" thread? 
| Unfortunately, that wasn't clarified further in the documentation.
| > [...] 
| > Perhaps they (or you, I haven't checked the website) meant to say that
| > _java_ on linux doesn't use kernel (aka "native") threads, but only
| > "green" threads.
| When you say Java, you are probably referring to Sun JDK 1.3, right? 

I mean "java", not "linux" ("linux" == kernel, the rest is not Linux,

| Do you know by chance why it doesn't support kernel threads on
| Linux?

Did you read up on what "green" (aka "user") threads are?  Green
threads can be implemented in a system agnostic way and as a result
are portable.  Using native threads requires platform-specific code.

| > Blackdown's j2sk1.3 package does use kernel threads.
| Thanks for the hint. Does that mean you'd recommend using Blackdown's JDK
| rather than Sun's?

AFAIK the blackdown group is the only group working on the reference
implementation for linux.  That is, Sun doesn't have any employees
working with linux to make java work.

Sun didn't used to have any linux downloads on their web site.  I
think the current downloads come from the blackdown group.



He who walks with the wise grows wise,
but a companion of fools suffers harm.
        Proverbs 13:20

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