On Sun, Dec 16, 2001 at 17:52:15 +0100, Holger Rauch wrote: > I read that Linux allegedly does not support "real threads". My questions > on this issue are: > > 1. Is that statement correct at all?
That question is impossible to answer without a definition of what constitutes "real threading". Some people's definition of that seems to include hybrid user and kernel space threading, and in that case, the statement is correct. See http://www.blackdown.org/java-linux/docs/support/faq-release/FAQ-java-linux-4.html#ss4.2 > 2. If its correct, which Linux kernel/glibc version combos *do* support > threads, which don't? LinuxThreads (an implementation of POSIX threads; see http://pauillac.inria.fr/~xleroy/linuxthreads/) has been available as an add-on to glibc and even libc5 for a long time. I'm fairly sure potato does threads, and possibly even slink. Other thread implementations (mostly userspace) are available as well; see e.g. http://www.informatik.hu-berlin.de/~mueller/pthreads/ HTH, Ray -- A Microsoft Certified System Engineer is to information technology as a McDonalds Certified Food Specialist is to the culinary arts. Michael Bacarella commenting on the limited value of certification.