On Sun, Dec 16, 2001 at 05:52:15PM +0100, Holger Rauch wrote: | Hi! | | This is a rather general Linux kernel/glibc issue. In the JBoss | documentation | | http://www.jboss.org/online-manual/HTML/ch10s02.html | | I read that Linux allegedly does not support "real threads". My questions | on this issue are: | | 1. Is that statement correct at all?
What is a "real" thread? Certainly Linux thread support is implemented very differently than Windows threads. Perhaps they (or you, I haven't checked the website) meant to say that _java_ on linux doesn't use kernel (aka "native") threads, but only "green" threads. Blackdown's j2sk1.3 package does use kernel threads. If you want more details on "native" vs. "green" threads, I recommend doing some research on java.sun.com. -D -- Better a little with righteousness than much gain with injustice. Proverbs 16:8