hi ya martin

-- donno if you are looking for answers... or if you are looking for flame
  wars ...

-- lets seee ... simple quickie answers...
        if you have 20 PCs...you use a mask for 32 machines... 12 of um
        will be unused ... that youhave to protect somehow...
        make a dummy server, that answrs to those 12 ip# 

-- if someone disconnected their laptop and another person connects
   their laptop ...
        - as long as people have phycial access to your lan...
        you already been compromised ...
                - lockit down ...more .... move laptops to a special
                insecure lan
        - you can allow only certain mac addresses to connect but...
        mac access can trivially be changed  to something that is accepted

- broadcast mask, net masks, etc...

                        typical class C         128 ip#         for 4 ip#

        ip# range       w.x.y.{0-255}           w.x.y.{0-127}   w.x.y.{4,5,6,7}

        network         w.x.y.0                 w.x.y.0         w.x.y.4
                                                w.x.y.128       w.x.y.32

        broadcast mask  w.x.y.255               w.x.y.128       w.x.y.4


        for more info... search google for "subnetting"

c ya

On Mon, 8 Oct 2001, martin f krafft wrote:

> * Alvin Oga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2001.10.06 20:51:04-0700]:
> > if one has a class-C ip# ..and only using 20 ip# out of the range..
> > it is easy for someone to plug in an unauthorise machine into
> > your network... and sniff anything they like..
> > 
> > - so to prevent that... i disable dhcp ... and use the proper 
> >   broadcast and netmasks  needed to eliminated un-used ip# that
> >   could be used by floating laptops 
> please tell me how you choose a netmask such that your 20 computers
> occupy all IPs and there are none left for laptops.
> also, then please tell me how you prevent someone from temporarily
> switching his laptop in for one of the machines by using the machine's
> cable.
> and then tell me how you use the proper broadcast *and* netmask? broadcast
> is a function of a single IP and the netmask.

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