* Alvin Oga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2001.10.06 20:51:04-0700]:
> if one has a class-C ip# ..and only using 20 ip# out of the range..
> it is easy for someone to plug in an unauthorise machine into
> your network... and sniff anything they like..
> - so to prevent that... i disable dhcp ... and use the proper 
>   broadcast and netmasks  needed to eliminated un-used ip# that
>   could be used by floating laptops 

please tell me how you choose a netmask such that your 20 computers
occupy all IPs and there are none left for laptops.

also, then please tell me how you prevent someone from temporarily
switching his laptop in for one of the machines by using the machine's

and then tell me how you use the proper broadcast *and* netmask? broadcast
is a function of a single IP and the netmask.

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"gilmour's guitar sounds good
 whether you've got a bottle of cider in your hand
 or a keyboard and a mouse."
                                                -- prof. bruce maxwell

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