In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: >Yeah, it can be fun to steal IPs sometimes.
and if you try it on my network at work, your ethernet port will get disabled and you'll wind up with a written repremand. >| Even if you use a switch and put MAC address filters on the >| switch an attacker can simply unplug an existing PC / laptop >| and take over its MAC address. >No, the MAC adress is in the ethernet card, The default MAC is on the card in PCs. It can be set in software. (Decnet actually depended on being able to do so.) Older suns had the MAC in battery-backup ram, and used the same address for all ethernet cards in the system. (Which was correct in the original ethernet spec, but doesn't work well with VLAN-capable switches.) -- Blars Blarson [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Text is a way we cheat time." -- Patrick Nielsen Hayden