On Tue, Aug 28, 2001 at 10:52:21AM -0500, John Patton wrote:
| On Tue, Aug 28, 2001 at 07:07:44AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| > In my ongoing effort to put a second NIC in my computer I have
| > purchased a new NIC, an EtherFast 10/100 version 5.  However,
| > Linux or my box doesn't see the NIC enough to give it an IRQ
| > number.  Everything else seems in order when I pull up cat
| > /proc/pci, except there is no IRQ number...  I'm trying to use the
| > tulip driver that came w/ the 2.4.9 kernel,  tulip.c version
| > 0.9.15-pre6
| I've had one of the those cards before (my cable provider
| issues them)... they are basically crap. Not only was I
| never able to get it working under linux, but I've talked to
| a couple of knowledgable people who couldn't do it either.

FYI, I have 2 LinkSys LNE100TX cards (different revisions though) and
have been using one of them for several years without any trouble.
The other one I got recently and have had no trouble with it. 

| My recomendation: Put that card in a windoze machine, a get
| a slightly better card for you linux one. I use a D-link
| DFE-538TX myself... it's only about $20 and works without a
| hitch (indeed, it even comes with a linux driver in case
| the one with your kernel doesn't work).

The LinkSys cards come with a Linux driver (on the floppy in the box)
and they have instructions on their web site (at least they did a few
years ago when I was looking for a card).

I consider both the LinkSys and D-Link cards to be good cards.  It is
possible, however, that rev5 of the Linksys card changed something
incompatibly which is causing it to malfunction.


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