On Tue, Aug 28, 2001 at 07:07:44AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| In my ongoing effort to put a second NIC in my computer I have
| purchased a new NIC, an EtherFast 10/100 version 5.  However, Linux
| or my box doesn't see the NIC enough to give it an IRQ number.
| Everything else seems in order when I pull up cat /proc/pci, except
| there is no IRQ number...  I'm trying to use the tulip driver that
| came w/ the 2.4.9 kernel,  tulip.c version 0.9.15-pre6

What is the relevant output from dmesg regarding the NIC?  I'm curious
as to what might have changed between rev4.1 and rev5.  (I have a
rev4.1 and a rev2 card)


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