Sebastiaan wrote: > > High, > > On Wed, 15 Aug 2001, Gaelle T. Morin wrote: > > > Well, > > I broke my own promise to be a lurker of this list. > > However, I am just wondering on how do others read this mega list. > > Is that: "d"(elete), "d", "d", and "<CR>" once in awhile? > > Yes. The list has grown in its capacity the last months (300 msg a day?), > so it takes a lot of time to read everything. Usually I look at the > subject, does it look like something I could answer, or for which I am > curious, I read it. Then I follow the thread a while. This is one of the > reasons, if not the most important reason, that one should always use a > good subject.
Yes, Good subjects are really important. But you can drive this too far, too. Do you remember the thread, where people talked one to the other only in the subject line? (see this thread: ) > This changes when I am behind a computer, twisting on my chair. Then I > read almost every mail that comes in, but that is not too much. The list > is very quiet when it is day here in Europe. This is really a pity, I have the same problem: Every morning when I come to university and read the list, most questions that I could answer are already answered :( joerg -- Did you know that if you play a Windows 2000 cd backwards, you will hear the voice of Satan? That's nothing! If you play it forward, it'll install Windows 2000.