High, On Wed, 15 Aug 2001, Gaelle T. Morin wrote:
> Well, > I broke my own promise to be a lurker of this list. > However, I am just wondering on how do others read this mega list. > Is that: "d"(elete), "d", "d", and "<CR>" once in awhile? Yes. The list has grown in its capacity the last months (300 msg a day?), so it takes a lot of time to read everything. Usually I look at the subject, does it look like something I could answer, or for which I am curious, I read it. Then I follow the thread a while. This is one of the reasons, if not the most important reason, that one should always use a good subject. This changes when I am behind a computer, twisting on my chair. Then I read almost every mail that comes in, but that is not too much. The list is very quiet when it is day here in Europe. Greetz, Sebastiaan