On Wed, 13 Jun 2001, Joerg Johannes wrote:

> This might be an acroread problem. I have noticed that acroread for
> Linux (and all other unices) displays text very ugly, but the windows
> one shows them fine. So if you have a .pdf created with pdflatex (as I
> do very often, because I need to print them out at university, and there
> is no LaTeX :-(( ), it might look ugly on a linux (sun,sgi,...)screen,
> but print out perfectly, and look good on windows screens. Have you
> tried to look at one of your documents on a windows PC?
> joerg
> "Lewis, James M." wrote:
> > 
> > I am using pdflatex to make .pdf files of a document.  It prints just fine
> > but looks bad when viewing with acroread.  Is there some trick to using
> > different fonts to make the screen display look good?  I have tried
> > using a couple of postscript fonts as well as the usual tex fonts (ccr).
> > I have also tried ps2pdf with the same result.  No problems with xdvi
> > but I have to send this doc to windows users...
> > 

I probably can't solve this if it is the problem, but I know that If any
of the pdf making devices can't find appropriate type1 fonts, bitmap
fonts are substituted.  These print ok, but look terrible on screen.

for example, usually pdflatex gives me good results using the generic
cmr fonts, but stuff created frm musixtex files looks dodgy since there
are no type1 musixtex fonts

I notice that the package tetex-extra comes with a stash load of type1
fonts, so check whether this is installed.



Today people in droves hurry up past Heumoz to Villars 
on the road to the ski hills, so they can rush down them
as fast as possible, so they can hurry up again in order
to rush down again.  In a way this is funny,...

                        Francis A Schaeffer

David Purton


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