This might be an acroread problem. I have noticed that acroread for
Linux (and all other unices) displays text very ugly, but the windows
one shows them fine. So if you have a .pdf created with pdflatex (as I
do very often, because I need to print them out at university, and there
is no LaTeX :-(( ), it might look ugly on a linux (sun,sgi,...)screen,
but print out perfectly, and look good on windows screens. Have you
tried to look at one of your documents on a windows PC?


"Lewis, James M." wrote:
> I am using pdflatex to make .pdf files of a document.  It prints just fine
> but looks bad when viewing with acroread.  Is there some trick to using
> different fonts to make the screen display look good?  I have tried
> using a couple of postscript fonts as well as the usual tex fonts (ccr).
> I have also tried ps2pdf with the same result.  No problems with xdvi
> but I have to send this doc to windows users...
> tia
> jim

Did you know that if you play a Windows 2000 cd backwards, you 
will hear the voice of Satan?

That's nothing!  If you play it forward, it'll install Windows 2000.

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