On Mit, 26 Feb 2003 at 15:32 (-0600), Joseph A Nagy Jr wrote:
> Over the past few weeks, I've been recieving several pieces of mail 
> directly to my inbox because users are Bcc'ing (for what ever reason) 
> the debian-user list. I would like to ask those people to please NOT bcc 
> the list. If you must include the list, please place it in your CC or TO 
> field when sending the email. Because the Debian-User list doesn't have 
> a subject-line additive I can filter on, I rely soley on the to and cc 
> fields for my filtering.

There is a header line like:
X-Mailing-List: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> archive/latest/265487

in every mail header. You should use this instead of the To: line to
filter the list mails.


P.S.: I agree with you. List replys should _only_ go to the list
(with the list address in the To: field).

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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