On Wed, Apr 25, 2001 at 01:01:50AM -0300, John R Lenton wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 10:32:43AM -0500, will trillich wrote:
> > [ ... about fiddling with mutt to get fancy signatures ...]
> What I'd really like (and implement if I had the time) is for
> mutt to have an option to check on startup if .signature is a
> pipe, and if so to write into it the header of the email before
> reading the sig (mutt has some idea of to:, cc:, and subject:
> headers *before* reading the sig).

        > kill the fly
        with what?
        > axe
        which axe -- the eensy-weensy micro-axe, or the dual-exhaust,
        chrome-plated, twin-overhead-cam, thermonuclear powered
        planet-smashing axe?
        > thermo
        the fly expires.

but hey, if you wanna add a feature, may as well make it really
feature-rich, eh? :)

> Thus a small modification of the one sig program makes it spew
> content-specific signatures :)
> hmm. take that back. If I have to open .signature O_RDWR the
> select() call goes crazy :(.
> Ok, so have two pipes, a .signature-ctl and a .signature, and
> have mutt check in... erm...
> ...have a listener on port N...
> ...on a central server....
> ...connected to a postgres database.

i think you could do much of this via *-hook in mutt:

        send-hook debian- "~/.sig debian |"

but it would be nice to do procmail-like stuff, such as

        send-hook (%LISTADDRESS?%) "~/.sig $_TO $_SUBJECT |"


        send-hook debian-\/.* "~/.sig debian $MATCH |"

any mutt-freaks out there who have some ideas?

> Ok, so this has gotten out of hand. More coffee, please.


Did you know you have MORE THAN ONE CONSOLE to use? There's six,
by default: try Control-Alt-F6 to see console six, Ctl-Alt-F3 for
console 3, and so forth. (If you don't use the X window display
system, you don't need to include the control key.) Each console
can have its own login, running its own jobs. Very handy!

Also see http://newbieDoc.sourceForge.net/ ...

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