On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 10:28:55PM +0100, Karl E. Jorgensen wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 10:32:43AM -0500, will trillich wrote:
> <snip,snip,snip>
> > > Have you considered implementing this as a fortune type deal rather than
> > > your perl script?
> > 
> > hadn't come up with that concept yet, no. i had condered using
> Creating a new fortune database is easy. Have a look at the man pages
> for fortune(6) an unstr - I added some (lame) jokes to my fortunes
> that way.

karl and romain -- this indeed looks easy. but it feels like i'll
be adding comments and tips daily if not hourly, for a while at
least. maybe when it calms down a bit, i'll hammer it into a
fortune database.

> By the way: I'm looking at becoming a debian maintainer - this looks like
> it could be a nice (simple) Debian package to start with. Let me know if
> you want it packaged for Debian. (I know... Lots of other people ar bound
> to want to do the same thing)


> > it in the same fashion, tho -- maybe as a /etc/motd munger via
> > crontab, for example. i guess it's a simple matter to add a new
> > fortune-like database, hmm? i wonder if it'd be difficult to
> > add new tips to the end...
> If you use fortune, then adding the relevant files in 
> /usr/share/games/fortunes (or /usr/local/share/games/fortunes) will
> do the trick. No need to modify existing files.

i only meant, when i fortune-ify a set of 40 tips, and then want
to add seven more... but even then it doesn't sound too

> <snip,snip,snip>
> > what i had considered, tho, is rube-goldberg-ing a web page allowing
> > anyone to add tips (with heavy regex behind to scenes to check for
> > duplication) of their own, and then offer a random tip via a finger-like
> > service on a publicly-accessible port, to the community at large.
> > 
> > BTW --
> > 
> > i got this idea from the postgresql "pg-general" mailing list; they
> > append a random tip to each outgoing message. (i've only seen five
> > distinct tips, which ain't too impressive, but the concept is gold.)
> Sounds like a signify to me :-)

hey, have i been slighted? :) what's a signify? i'm not familiar
with its use as a noun.

Why are *.rpm (RED HAT PACKAGES) considered spawn of Satan?
Because the Debian package system is a lot more sophisticated
than the one Red Hat uses; lots more inter-dependency information
is built in to a *.deb package. If you bypass that with an *.rpm
file, you're taking chances with your system. Try to "apt-get
install <debian-only>" packages if possible. (Also check out the
"alien" package if you must.)


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