On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 10:32:43AM -0500, will trillich wrote:

> not very, not yet. when i see question #X go by for the tenth
> time in a month, i add a quickie (and hopefully i don't get them
> wrong). short answer: 26 so far. i try to keep them under four
> lines, but that ain't always feasible. (eight is my max at the
> moment...)
> > Have you considered implementing this as a fortune type deal rather than
> > your perl script?
> hadn't come up with that concept yet, no. i had condered using

Creating a new fortune database is easy. Have a look at the man pages
for fortune(6) an unstr - I added some (lame) jokes to my fortunes
that way.

By the way: I'm looking at becoming a debian maintainer - this looks like
it could be a nice (simple) Debian package to start with. Let me know if
you want it packaged for Debian. (I know... Lots of other people ar bound
to want to do the same thing)

> it in the same fashion, tho -- maybe as a /etc/motd munger via
> crontab, for example. i guess it's a simple matter to add a new
> fortune-like database, hmm? i wonder if it'd be difficult to
> add new tips to the end...

If you use fortune, then adding the relevant files in 
/usr/share/games/fortunes (or /usr/local/share/games/fortunes) will
do the trick. No need to modify existing files.


> what i had considered, tho, is rube-goldberg-ing a web page allowing
> anyone to add tips (with heavy regex behind to scenes to check for
> duplication) of their own, and then offer a random tip via a finger-like
> service on a publicly-accessible port, to the community at large.
> BTW --
> i got this idea from the postgresql "pg-general" mailing list; they
> append a random tip to each outgoing message. (i've only seen five
> distinct tips, which ain't too impressive, but the concept is gold.)

Sounds like a signify to me :-)

> -- 
> http://www.dontUthink.com/

Karl E. Jørgensen
==== Today's fortune:
This place just isn't big enough for all of us.  We've got to find a way
off this planet.

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