Here's what I'd like to have: a mail client that I can access via a
nice, flashy GUI when I'm sitting at my desk, or via a simple
text-mode interface when I'm connecting remotely.

Actually, it's my wife I'm primarily thinking about.  She uses our
computer at home (Debian, natch) to read/send mail using Netscape.
She also occasionally connects from her parents' house, or from work
using ssh and getting a simple shell (text) interface.  Right now, she
uses pine for this, but this sucks because:

 * netscape slurps up all read mail into its own 'nsmail' directory,
   so she can only read new mail

 * netscape and pine don't (can't?) share addressbooks, so they either
   get out of sync, or require more attention than one would like to
   offer them

I have been looking for such a beast, without any luck.  Gnus works
pretty well for me, but as I'm trying to *stay* married, I'm unwilling
to inflict Gnus on my wife at this time.

Any ideas?



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