Well being the ambitious programmer(not terribly good but I can at least code 
medium level data structures).
Well anyrate I decided to try to get together a little program that would do 
some nice AI in a possibly non pattern matching way (basically pattern 
matching is considered a cheat of the Turing test as it's not really 
thinking). So I decided to get ahold of a nice little piece of word called the 
machine learning library which is written in c++.
This can be found at http://www.sgi.com/tech/mlc/
Well it looked pretty nice so I decided to try to get it working and since it 
supposedly supports the gnu tools I thought it would work.
Well long story short after a large degree of tinkering I have to say I am 
still getting errors regarding some of the template code from the newest 
gcc/g++ combo.
Has anyone been able to get this to work under debian or *any* version of 
linux. Tecfhnically most of the stuff appears to be for SGI and SUN but it 
*does* appear to work for gcc/g++ in the aggregate.
thanks in advance

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